Being the curious cat that I am, I couldn't wait to get my ticket to watch and witness for myself the awesome-ness of Robert Pattinson as a vampire (hahah! you thought, it's about the movie?! =P- nope it was all about the guy)...
The moment he cme on screen i said to myself -- C E D R I C ? (is that you? hahah!)
Remember the lanky guy in harry potter that gets to die in the graveyard after being zapped? yep, that's him.
He admirably played dead and played the death thing so well that this time, in the Twilight movie, he's become the walking undead... but i have to admit, he is more gorgeous as a blood-sucking vampire (eeeehhhh!!!!!)
Cedric is definitely looking plain beside Edward Cullen --but the harry potter movie was stitched better than Twilight.
Which reminds me... watching Twilight is like watching a series of moving postcards -- also like watching paint dry, added the talking big white lump here beside me ( he just can't help himself, it is his therapy to express an opinion and may I add that he did said opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one -- somebody shoot me!)
But I do love the magnification and emotions and reactions in slow mo...reminds you of macro photography -- but this time, the subjects are feelings and expressions. The dragging feeling might have come from this direction, it has been used too much in the movie, it makes you wanna talk in slow motion too.
It has it's fast moments too... and when i say fast, i mean F-A-S-T.
The baseball scene for instance...nyeheheh! just saw an epiphany of what it would be like to play baseball with Superman and friends... without having to worry that you'll be the snack after the game...it's kinda hard to play while at the same time, you're asking yourself who'll be the first one to grab your leg.
*They do take everything the extra mile.
When the scenes are slow, it's really dragging...but baseball game and fight scenes...were also very fast, your eyes would have a hard time following it...as if someone who is in charge of the play button is messing with the rewind and fast forward.
But I love it. I love the cinematography of the movie...
the angles...the HDR effect...the way they used colors to differentiate characters, the magnified reactions, the slow motion turns, the classic 'james dean' expressions, the disheveled looks, the unusual angles, the postcard scenes...
and thus, the undead experience of Twilight, no matter how dragging in most parts was a generally a nice one...The dragging part is really unforgivable...as it is eating the whole movie!!! but oh well... one cannot have everything
Plus the pale-skinned Edward Cullens was almost making me blush...hahay... his lines are giving me goosebumps though...hey I just turned twenty-five...and so I've left the teeny bumper boat seven years or so ago... I don't swoon anymore... I get curious... I get testy...and I now do research nyeheheheh!
hmmm...i think they can redeem this movie with a more interesting sequel...